Meet the Staff Series: Alex McCarthy


Meet Alex McCarthy!

Alex is one of our amazing Theatre Instructors at DJT! We asked him a series of questions ranging from silly to serious in order to get to know him a little better. The informal interview follows:

When did you first discover your passion for theatre? Was there one specific moment you can recall?

I first discovered my passion for performing doing some original movies for a family friend as a child. I learned that I enjoyed the creative process in a number of venues.

Favorite role?

Paravicini in The Mouse Trap by Agatha Christie

What about a dream role?

Dewey Finn in School of Rock the Musical, but I would have to learn guitar and become much more confident/competent singing and dancing.

How do you spend your free time?

I ring announce, do commentary, and manage at local professional wrestling events in Iowa and Illinois. I also love writing.

Favorite playwrights?

William Shakespeare and Arthur Miller

Who are your heroes?

Anyone who works hard to help people.

But also Andy Kaufman. He was a strange/complicated man who would go to great lengths to get a reaction no matter what the reaction was.

What is one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?

Don’t be afraid to try things.

What is your favorite thing about Junior Theatre?

I get to fulfill my love of theatre while passing it on to children. I also get to see some of my writing take life on stage.

What do you love most about teaching children's theatre?

Seeing kids develop skills that transcend the stage without even realizing it.

What is on your bucket list?

I’m a firm believer in goal setting. I don’t have a lifelong bucket list, but I make yearly goals. Right now one of my goals is to start writing full length plays again.

How do you find inspiration?

Oddly enough usually I’m inspired by sitcoms or something from wrestling. I try to pull something from those very different venues into my writing/directing.

What was your favorite class in school?


What's your favorite food?


If you had one superpower, what would it be?

The ability to be in multiple places at once, so I could experience all of the things I want to experience in the world. There is always too much going on, and I want to experience it all!

To be or not to be?

Be whatever you want to be.

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