Davenport Junior Theatre

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Aaron Randolph lll , Mainstage Production Manager

Aaron is thrilled to serve the Davenport Junior Theatre students and families as their Production Manager for the 22-23 season. Aaron has been involved in over 20 productions with DJT, most notably as the the playwright of "The True Tale of Robin Hood", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "Arthur & Merlin", "Rumplestiltskin!" and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." He has also composed original music for over a dozen DJT shows and directed several productions. 

In addition to being a frequent artistic collaborator, Aaron is also a proud DJT parent, with his son Aaron and his daughter Tori being involved in numerous productions over the last 10 years. He looks forward to making sure students, parents and artists all have the same fantastic experience he and his family have enjoyed throughout their involvement with DJT!