Davenport Junior Theatre

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Meet the Staff Series: Alicia Win

Meet Alicia Win!

Alicia is one of our phenomenal Dance Instructors at DJT Dance! We asked her a series of questions ranging from silly to serious in order to get to know her a little better. The informal interview follows:

When did you first discover your passion for dance? Was there one specific moment you can recall?

I discovered my passion for dance through working on something for months and performing it.

How do you spend your free time?

I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, and puppies and spending time outside (minus the bugs!).

What song always puts you in a good mood?

September by Earth, Wind, and Fire

What's the best thing you've seen on stage recently?

Students of DJT

What quote do you live by?

"Everything happens for a reason"

Who are your heroes?

My family

What is one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?

I wish I hadn't wished to grow up so quickly, stay young as long as you can!

What do you love most about teaching children's dance?

Watching the students progress from session to session and seeing them be excited about their growth.

What is your favorite thing about DJT Dance?

Our team of amazing teachers and the amazing students!

What is on your bucket list?

Volunteer at an elephant sanctuary and be an audience member on the Ellen Degeneres show!

How do you find inspiration?

Through dance and spending time in nature.

What was your favorite class in school?

I loved social studies and psychology.

What's your favorite food?


To be or not to be?

To be!