Davenport Junior Theatre

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Meet the Staff Series: Megan Rieck

Meet Megan Rieck!

Megan is one of our amazing Theatre Instructors at DJT! We asked her a series of questions ranging from silly to serious in order to get to know her a little better. The informal interview follows:

When did you first discover your passion for theatre? Was there one specific moment you can recall?

Yes! I got cast in our second grade Thanksgiving play and I fell in love. My teacher actually recommended DJT to my parents at that time.

Favorite role?

Aunt Martha in Arsenic and Old Lace.

What about a dream role?

I always wanted to be the Wicked Witch of the West since I was little!

How do you spend your free time?

Being a mom, and hiking with my family.

What's the best thing you've seen on stage recently?

Junior Theatre Showcases, obviously!

Who are your heroes?

My Dad and my Grandma Carol. Completely selfless and family oriented.

Miss Megan from the 50th Anniversary Party in 2001 when she was a kid at DJT!

What is one thing you wish you had known when you were younger?

That being yourself really is the coolest thing to be.

What is your favorite thing about Junior Theatre?

I love seeing the changes in our kids and their confidence building. They make me so proud, but even more so, I love seeing them proud of themselves.

What do you love most about teaching children's theatre?

How much fun I have with the kids. It never feels like work. I get to come to work and be myself and encourage my students to do the same.

What is on your bucket list?

Hiking Machu Picchu with my husband and skydiving!

How do you find inspiration?

Books, music, plays, but mostly my family.

What was your favorite class in school?

English and Reading.

What's your favorite food?

Always potatoes!

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

Healing the sick.

To be or not to be?

Always to be. :)

Miss Megan teaching in 2017.